CDL Group Seminar

In this seminar, members and guests of our group as well as students preparing a bachelor or master thesis in our group meet weekly to present their work. Furthermore, all participants discuss recent research papers.

Bachelor/Master Seminar
If you want to do a thesis in our group, you will have to attend this seminar. For UdS students: This seminar counts as the Bachelor/Master Seminar.
Reading Group
Other students are cordially invited to discuss recent research papers. These students obtain 3 credit points.

General Information

When biweekly at Wednesday at 16:00 (sine tempore) (formerly 14:00)
Where Online, see email

The first seminar meeting will be on October 14, 2020.

Modus Operandi - Bachelor/Master Seminar

You need to:

The first time you show up at the master seminar, make sure to give us your email address. It will be added to the mailing list and you will receive email notifications before each upcoming session.

After getting the Schein, students need to register their thesis at the Prüfungsamt.

Proposal Regulations

Although the thesis proposal is not part of the master seminar itself, we require a proposal to contain:

A presentation of such a thesis proposal must meet the following requirements:

Research Papers

If we do not have any presentation in the pipeline, we will discuss a recent research paper instead. This is the list of research papers:

  1. An Inductive Synthesis Framework for Verifiable Reinforcement Learning
  2. FaCT: A DSL for Timing-Sensitive Computation
  3. Composable, Sound Transformations of Nested Recursion and Loops
  4. SLING: Using Dynamic Analysis to Infer Program Invariants in Separation Logic
  5. Don’t Panic! Better, Fewer, Syntax Errors for LR Parsers
  6. On the Expressivity of Total Reversible Programming Languages


Date Speaker Topic Comments
2020-10-14 14:00 Fabian Ritter DiffTune: Optimizing CPU Simulator Parameters with Learned Differentiable Surrogates paper discussion
2020-10-28 14:00 Sebastian Hack Abstract Semantic Dependency paper discussion
2020-11-11 14:00 Bohdan Liesnikov Composable, Sound Transformations of Nested Recursion and Loops paper discussion
2020-11-25 14:00 Christian Kapp Distributed Sequence Alignment in AnyDSL Bachelor talk
2020-12-09 14:00 Pascal Hennen On the Relation between Stack Histograms and Reuse Histograms Bachelor proposal
2021-02-17 16:15 Maximilian Köhl An Executable Structural Operational Formal Semantics for Python Master talk
2021-02-24 16:00 Canberk Morelli Warping Cache Simulation of Polyhedral Programs Master talk
2021-03-31 16:00 Leon Barth Micro-ops: Zyklengenaue Messungen des Verhaltens moderner Intel-x86-Prozessoren German

In cases of questions, do not hesitate to ask Roland Leißa.